Interamerikanische Menschenrechtskommission
Recht auf Selbstbestimmung der indigenen und Stammesvölker
In this report, the IACHR addresses the right to self-determination of indigenous and tribal peoples with the aim of elucidating international standards in relation to this right and its application to indigenous and tribal peoples, which is closely linked to other rights. such as the rights to their lands, territories, and natural resources, and in relation to cultural identity, due process and other
The Commission analyzes the standards and jurisprudence of the Inter-American Human Rights System; good practices and obstacles such as the non-recognition of the legal systems of indigenous and tribal peoples in some States or the lack of coordination mechanisms between the justice systems of these peoples and those of the States; the lack of respect and recognition of the representative institutions of indigenous and tribal peoples and their decision-making processes; or the situation of violence they face as a result of the presence and invasion of their lands by third parties, be it people involved in logging, mining, ranching or drug-trafficking activities.