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Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance: comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action

07 October, 2023 | por admin

The Secretariat has the honour to transmit to the General Assembly, in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 47/21, the report of the International Independent Expert Mechanism to Advance Racial Justice and Equality in Law Enforcement. The report is contained in document A/HRC/54/69, to be submitted to the Council at its fifty-fourth session.

In that report, its second, the Expert Mechanism describes its activities for the period and focuses on “reimagining policing”, relying on paragraph 11 (f) of resolution 47/21, to explore ways to close trust deficits, strengthen institutional oversight, adopt alternative and complementary methods to policing and the use of force and encourage stocktaking of lessons learned. The Expert Mechanism proposes recommendations in that regard.