Booklet of Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on Indigenous and tribal Peoples No. 11, 2021. Booklet 11, updated to 2021, includes the most relevant paragraphs of the judgments, advisory opinions and other decisions of the IACHR, with special emphasis on its pronouncements on the content and scope of rights, State obligations and … Read more
General documents
General documents of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Advisory Opinion OC-22/16
Advisory Opinion OC-22/16 2016 On February 26, 2016, the Inter-American Court issued its Advisory Opinion OC-22/16, on, among other issues, the ownership of indigenous and tribal communities and trade union organizations before the inter-American system and their possibility of appearing before it in defense of their rights and those of its members. Opinion consultiva OC22/16