Application of international labor standards 2023 This is the annual report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR), a key body for the ILO control system on international labor standards. The report includes comments related to the populations and Indigenous Peoples starting on page 987. ILOCAECRanualreportFeb23EN
General documents
General documents of the International Labour Organization

Understanding the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989
Understanding the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169) A tool for judges and legal practitioners This tool is intended to promote a better understanding in practice of the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169). It is targeted at judges and counsel in national and international courts, teachers, public servants, … Read more

Laws and public policies on indigenous and tribal peoples
Laws and public policies on indigenous and tribal peoples Profiles of Latin American countries that have ratified the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169) 2020 This document compiles existing norms, policies and institutions related to indigenous peoples in 14 Latin American and Caribbean countries that have ratified the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, … Read more

Implementing the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention No. 169
Implementing the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention No. 169 Towards an inclusive, sustainable, and just future 2019 This report examines the implementation of the Convention No. 169 and the current social and economic situation of indigenous people across the world. The document presents the social and economic situation of indigenous women and men today … Read more