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Zenaida Pérez Gutiérrez at her participation in the public forum: “Indigenous women: protagonists of the social struggles of the American continent: Without us, nothing!”.

Indigenous women protagonists of social struggles pay tribute to Bartolina Sisa and talk about their demands

19 September, 2023

The Assembly of the Guaraní Peoples, the organizations Derecho Indígena and Hum Pampa of Uruguay, the International Network of Chairs Institutions and personalities on the Study of Public Debt (RICDP), the Human Rights Commission of the PIT-CNT (Intersindical Plenary of Workers-National Convention of Workers) of Uruguay, together with Platform lacommunis.org , convened the virtual Public Forum “Indigenous women: protagonists of the social struggles of the American continent: Without us, nothing!”.

The event, which took place on September 5, was held to remember the life and struggle of Bartolina Sisa, an Aymara woman who, together with her husband, Julián Apaza – Tupak Katari, led the indigenous uprising of 1781 against the oppression of the colonizers of the time.

After a year of captivity, Sisa was murdered by on September 5, 1871. This date was established in 1983 by the Second Meeting of Organizations and Movements of America, held in Tiwanaku, as the international day of indigenous women.
At the public forum, voices of indigenous women from various parts of the continent told us about their struggles, demands highlighting the central role that women occupy in the life of the peoples of the American continent.

The full video can be viewed at: https://fb.watch/n9d-sywyUA/