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First International Forum on legal pluralism and own right at the University of Magdalena, Colombia.

International network for legal pluralism, own right and anti-racism presented in Colombia

26 May, 2023

An “International network for legal pluralism, self-rights and anti-racism” was presented in the Colombian city of Santa Marta, within the framework of the first International Forum on legal pluralism and own right organized by the University of Magdalena from May 17 to 19.

This network has anti-racism chapters, a network of technical support, a research group on private law and public policy, as well as a chapter on anti-corruption.

The forum had the objective of encouraging inclusion and valuing the traditions, culture and rights of minority groups in Colombia.

In the network’s proclamation, issued at the end of the forum, to address the anti-racism issue, governmental organizations, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, academia, and social movements are called upon to turn on early warnings, to develop prevention mechanisms and strategies for immediate attention to cases of racism and victims of racism.

The network also calls on social organizations, student movements, professional and women’s associations, and business associations to provide technical and political support to ethnic communities under their own rights.

In Chapter 3, the research groups of the country’s universities are called upon to provide technical bibliographic information of qualitative and quantitative quality for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies with their own right.

On the anti-corruption issue, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the General Controller’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office, entities of the judicial branch, the general public and the ethnic groups’ own justice systems are called upon to review the application of the own Right with the purpose of defining the cost/benefit ratio in the execution of public policies in, around the Colombian laws 70 of 1993, law 731 of 2002, law 99 of 1993, law 1482 of 2011, law 1448 of 2011, sentence T025 of 2004. In addition to Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization, ILO.

Experts and social leaders from Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Uruguay participated in the forum.