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Study on national constitutions and the United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples

01 June, 2013 | por admin

Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
twelfth session – New York, 20-31 May 2013
Item 6 of the provisional agenda: Debate on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

Study on national constitutions and the United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples

Pursuant to a decision adopted by the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at its tenth session (see E/2011/43, para. 101), Ms. Megan Davis, Mr. Simon William M’viboudoulou, Ms. Valmaine Toki, Mr. Paul Kanyinke Sena, Mr. Edward John, Mr. Álvaro Esteban Pop Ac and Mr. Raja Devasish Roy, members of the Forum, conducted a study of national constitutions and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples with a view to assessing how and to what extent the human rights of indigenous peoples were included in national constitutions, specifically referring to the rights recognized in the Declaration. This study is being presented to the Forum at its twelfth session.