Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
thirteenth session – New York, 12-23 May 2014
Item 3 of the provisional agenda: Special item“ “Principles of good governance in line with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: articles 3 to 6 and 46”
A study on the consequences of the doctrine of discovery for indigenous peoples, including mechanisms, processes and instruments of reparation
In accordance with a decision adopted by the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at its eleventh session (see E/2 012/43, para. 112), a member of the Forum, Edward John, undertook a study
on the consequences of the doctrine of discovery for indigenous peoples, including mechanisms, processes and instruments of reparation, with reference to the Declaration and, in particular, to articles 26 to 28, 3 2 and 40. The results of the study are presented here to the Permanent Forum at its thirteenth session.